Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Oh, why hello, it’s nice to see you! Welcome to Plup Productions. Let me take your coat…

Plup Productions is all about telling stories. We don’t just shoot video, we help you plan your narrative, develop a script, prepare a storyboard and the whole shebang after that.

Classically trained in journalism with rich experiences in content production and communications, we specialize in creating news packages, mini-documentaries, interviews and social media friendly content. Attempts at viral TikTok dances are complimentary. No? Oh.

And finally, you’re probably wondering, what is ‘Plup’? Well, it’s Pulp backwards. We love Jarvis ❤️.

Our Pledge

At Plup Productions, we know how critical it is to be culturally aware, competent and proactive.

Through our work, we are committed to promulgating a message of awareness, respect and effort to understand all cultural backgrounds. We believe that by acknowledging a lack of awareness is not a weakness, but a strength that can be developed over time.

We pledge to:

Celebrate Cultural Diversity: we celebrate unique cultural backgrounds, experiences and perspectives stemming from our various cultural environments and upbringings.

Education & Awareness: we are committed to educating the public about different cultures and the opportunities and challenges that individuals from various backgrounds may face. We provide resources for open and respectful diallogue.

Community Engagement: we recognize our role in the larger community. We will actively engage and support initiaitives that promote cultural awareness, inclusion, and equality.

Accountability: we hold ourselves totally accountable for the fulfilment of this pledge.

Browse our cultural awareness resources.